Plastic surgery
Dermoscopy, dermatoscopy, surface skin microscopy, epiluminescence microscopy, and videodermatoscopy are synonymous terms denoting a diagnostic method in dermatovenerology which involves the examination of skin changes with a handheld dermatoscope, stereo microscope, camera, or digital imaging system. Magnifications vary from 6 to 40 times, or to 100 times. Dermoscopy is a non-invasive, simple, and financially acceptable diagnostic procedure for the analysis of melanocytic (moles) and non-melanocytic pigmentary changes. A dermoscopy follow-up of moles involves digital storage of the images and their comparison, with the aim of following the biological life of a mole, early detection of melanoma, i.e., diagnosing melanoma at an early stage when the typical clinical and dermoscopic features are not present yet. Dermoscopy is used to diagnose tumors at an earlier stage, distinguish ordinary from dysplastic nevi, increase diagnostic accuracy, and avoid unnecessary excisions of ordinary moles and benign changes.