Plastic surgery
Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin conditions. It occurs in 80% of adolescents of both sexes. The first changes may occur even before the age of 10, but most frequently appear between ages 13 and 15 (somewhat earlier in girls). Acne may persist up to the age of 30 or more, especially in women. Four basic mechanisms are responsible for the development of acne: increased production of sebum, increased keratinization of the sebaceous gland ducts, proliferation of the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria, and the development of inflammatory reaction.
The development of acne is also genetically based, and may be the result of certain medications, cosmetic products, and sun exposure.
The treatment of acne depends on the clinical picture. Basic therapy includes general measures and topical treatment prescribed by a dermatologist. Approximately 15% of patients require additional systemic therapy.